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Lloyd Sealy Library
John Jay College of Criminal Justice


OER Course Conversion Projects



OER for EDU 300-SK01

Education for Change in the U.S.





 “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruits are sweet.”          


WEEK 2: Part 1: An Overview of Education in the Last Century


  • “The Evolution of Higher Education: What has Education Been?” by Dr. Schevaletta Alford, Senior Faculty Member and Higher Education History Expert.
    • Link to be posted on Blackboard in weekly Announcements 


WEEK 3: Part 1: The Evolution of Education in the Last Century

  • The Historical Significance of the Civil Rights Movement on Education 
    • Civil Rights Movement lecture

Week 4: Part 1: The Evolution of Education in the Last Century

  • View:  How Your Banks Made Money from Slavery

  • Listen to: NY Times 1619 Project. Listen to Episode 2: The Economy that Slavery Built.

    • YouTube videos used for educational purposes under the Fair Use provision of the Copyright Act.

  • Identify and discuss the semester research topic with instructor. 

    • Groups you may consider researching (not an exhaustive list). Final topics must be approved by the instructor.

      • Gender/sex

      • Intersectional Identity

      • Race: Blacks and Historically Black Colleges in the US, Native Americans, Asian Americans or Whites

      • Hispanics ,Latinos, Chicanos and Hispanic Serving Institutions in the US

      • Immigrants

      • Low Income Students in the US

      • Disabilities and Disabilities Services in US Higher Education

      • LGBT Identity and US Higher Education

      • Veterans

Week 5: Part II: Issues of Access and Achievement

Week 6: Part II: Issues of Access and Achievement

  • Developing Questions to Understand Educating for Justice, Opportunity and Social Change

“A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity”      

                                                                                                            -The Dalai Lama

WEEK 7: Part II: Issues of Access and Achievement

  • Historically Underrepresented Groups

“My mother said that I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and more intelligent than college professors.” - Maya Angelou

“Systematic efforts of assimilation removed many Native children and youth from their tribal communities and placed them in non-Indian-run residential schools…Investigations of the later 20th Century have revealed many documented cases of sexual, manual, physical and mental abuse occurring at such schools.”  - Karina Walters on historical trauma and Native Boarding Schools

“The way Americans most understand the history of Latinos in this country, a lot of it is being told now through the lens of what’s happening with the immigration debate. While that’s an important debate that has security and moral implications, in my view, there’s also a huge history of Latinos in the US that’s never been told.”   - Ken Salazar, 50th US Secretary of the Interior

WEEK 8: Part II: Issues of Access and Achievement

WEEK 9: Part II: Issues of Access and Achievement

  • The Presentation
    • The purpose of this presentation is for students to explain why they have chosen the group they are researching and what is the problem.  Why does it matter to you and to society? 
    • The presentation must include responses to the following questions:
      • What are the:
        • Roots (underlying historical, social, or economic root causes of these problems this group faces? Why do these structures or policies exist?)
        • Trunk (What structures, practices, and policies institutionalize the problems?)
        • Leaves (what is the manifestation of these problems in your community?)
      • Students will also answer the following:
        • What is the problem or need?
        • What evidence do you have to show that the problem is real and important?
        • Why is this problem important?
        • Who is impacted by this issue the most?
        • What will happen if the issue is not resolved or addressed?
        • What role will you play to address this issue?
  • The mid-term has two parts: 

  1. The Annotated Bibliography

  2. You will create a PowerPoint presentation that demonstrates your thinking and conceptualization about the topic you have chosen and is supported by scholarly articles you have summarized from the annotated bibliography you have prepared.

  • See Rubric section on Blackboard for midterm grading criteria.

  • Prepare and review your presentation with course Supplemental Instructors.

  • Once all PowerPoints have been prepared students will have a chance to view classmates' projects.

Week 10: Part 3: Issues of Access and Achievement

  • Spend this week preparing to submit your  2-part Midterm presentation:

    •  Part 1: Five annotated scholarly articles related your Instructor approved topic

    • Part 2: PowerPoint presentation which consists of your responses to questions from WEEK 9 and information gathered during the annotation of your five scholarly articles 

  • No Discussion Board Assignment due this week

Week 11: Part 3: Education Today: Advocacy and Social Action

  • Transforming Passion into Action

    • Midterm Presentations

Week 12: Social Action Plan

Week 13: Part 3: Education Today: Advocacy and Social Action

  • The Politics of Advocacy
    • The Politics of Advocacy--What does it mean? What  does it look like?

    • How important is it to engage in the political process? Our current political process? What’s to gain? What’s to lose?

    • What is the role of collective political action in making changes to the status quo?

    • Consider the impact of Brown vs. the Board of Education and the GI Bill

  • Articles: Select and annotate one of the articles of your choosing from below.
  1. Markowitz, G. (2004). Chapter 5: The student takeovers of 1989-1991. Educating for Justice: A History of John Jay College of Criminal JusticeNew York, NY: The John Jay Press, pp.117-137. 
  2. Olson, K. W. (1973). The G.I. Bill and higher education: Success and surprise. American Quarterly, 25(5), pp. 596-610. 
  3. Walker, A. (1997). Legislating virtue: How segregationists disguised discrimination as moral reform following Brown v. Board of Education. Duke Law Journal, 47(2), pp. 399-424. 

Week 14: Part III: Education Today: Advocacy and Social Action

  • Library and Research Days
    • Consultation with Faculty and Supplemental Instructor about Final Project

Week 15: Part III: Education Today: Advocacy and Social Action

  • Advocacy and Emancipatory Education

“Working together, we can become, or try to become, a more perfect union. As a society we can correct ourselves.”                                                                                                                                           - Supreme Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor

All of the above are used for educational purposes under the Fair Use provision of the Copyright Act.

  • View: Theory of Social Change by Jee Kim from YouTube

    • YouTube video used for educational purposes under the Fair Use provision of the Copyright Act.

  • Assignment: Meet with a learning center facilitator to review your rough draft of the Final Social Action Project

Week 16: Part III: Education Today: Advocacy and Social Action

  • The Need for Reflection in Social Action and Social Change
  • Making Connections to the Course Objectives