Welcome to HON 202, "Leadership for Social Change and the Common Good, Cultural Leadership Approaches", a course for the John Jay Honors Program. This course is designated as "ZTC" (zero textbook course), meaning the students do not have to purchase textbooks.
Using the drop-down menu, access the readings by week. This course is designed for honors' students who are interested in developing themselves as effective leaders whose mission is to serve the common good.
In a world marked by growing inequality, there is a need for a new generation of leaders whose personal and professional values, in addition to their compelling vision for a just and sustainable world, fuels their passion to become change agents and transformational leaders. The course introduces students to concepts and models of contemporary leadership for social change and the limits of those models. It also offers students opportunity to practice a core set of practical skills relevant to transformational and collaborative leadership. An important objective of the course is to give students hands-on leadership experience using a results-oriented framework that makes a measurable difference on an issue.
Learning Objectives
Learning objectives of this course include gaining knowledge of multidisciplinary approaches to and concepts of “cultural leadership,” “social change,” and the “common good.” Students will also gain skills in the production of particular forms of narrative, including written and oral storytelling for leadership effectiveness and new media and the arts to create positive change in the world.
On completion of the course, students should be able to demonstrate: