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Lloyd Sealy Library
John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Library Basics: Find Articles

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What is an Article?

An article is a type of nonfiction writing found in publications such as journals or newspapers.

For more Library terminology, please visit our Glossary

Find Articles in OneSearch


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Locate Peer-Reviewed Articles

What is "Peer Review"? 

In academic publishing, peer review serves to evaluate the quality of submitted articles. Before publication in a peer-reviewed journal, each article undergoes a thorough process to ensure its validity, accuracy, and quality. Please visit our "What is a Peer-Reviewed Article?" resource for a more comprehensive overview.
Verifying that an Article is Peer-Reviewed

  1. Many library databases indicate whether a resource is peer-reviewed in the article record. Additionally, you can easily filter your search results by selecting "Peer Reviewed" or "Scholarly Journals."
  1. OneSearch provides an option to filter for "peer-reviewed" articles on the right-hand side of the screen

Peer-Reviewed Journals in OneSearch Limiter

  1. Make the following considerations:
  • The article should be published in a journal that identifies itself as a peer-reviewed publication
  • The writing tone should be serious and thoughtful
  • An abstract or summary must be included
  • Look for organizational headings such as Introduction, Overview, and Conclusion
  • Citations should be present throughout the article, along with a bibliography or reference list at the end
  • Peer-reviewed articles are authored by experts in their fields, and the authors' credentials and affiliations should be clearly stated

Articles by Citation

Enter the full or partial citation or the DOI into the Citation Linker. If access to the article is available, a link to the relevant database will be provided. Upon clicking the link, you may need to locate the specific volume and issue.

Alternatively, you can search for the journal title in either our online or print collections.

If the Library does not have access to the article you are seeking, make an Interlibrary Loan request

Find Articles in a Database

On the Library's homepage, select the Databases tab in the main search box.
Search box from homepage: Databases tab pre-selected

To explore the most-used databases at the Library, select the dropdown menu that says "Select from popular databases." You can also find databases by subject or by title.

If you wish to find articles in a given academic discipline, view databases by subject

If you want to explore a specific database, view databases by title

Newspaper Articles

The Library offers several databases that contain only newspaper articles.

Additionally, OneSearch offers a newspaper article limiter. After your initial search, look for "Newspaper Articles" under "Resource Type" on the left-hand side of the page. 

OneSearch Newspaper Limiter