A library database is an online collection of searchable information and resources. It usually includes articles from journals, newspapers, magazines, and sometimes books.
For more Library terminology, please visit our Glossary.
When you find a useful article, locate its subject headings to further explore your topic:
Some databases will show you a list of subject headings along with your results, which can also aid you in your search:
You can also perform a search using the terms found in these subject headings:
Ex: "Labor Market" AND "People with Disabilities"
Consider alternate terms as you research:
Ex: If researching issues related to "teenagers," one might also use the word "adolescents."
To explore the most-used databases at the Library, select the dropdown menu that says "Select from popular databases." You can also find databases by subject or by title.
If you wish to find articles in a given academic discipline, view databases by subject.
If you want to explore a specific database, view databases by title.