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Lloyd Sealy Library
John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Library Basics: Chicago Style

A quick overview of the Library: The physical space, off-campus resources, research tips, and more

Chicago Style

Chicago style focuses on American English. It includes rules for grammar, usage, document preparation, and formatting. Be sure to consult with your instructor or refer to your syllabus to determine which format is required for your assignment.

This guide provides a brief overview of MLA style. For more detailed information, please refer to our complete Chicago-style Guide.

For further citation assistance, contact a John Jay librarian or the John Jay Writing Center.

Chicago Style Manual in Print

Print copies are available at the Reference section (2nd floor) or on Reserve (1st floor) under the call number Reference ; Z253 .U69 2010

This manual is available for unlimited use within the Library. Library scanners can be used to scan specific chapters or sections.

MLA 9 Resources

Many databases offer tools to assist you in creating citations. To find and use these tools, watch our video, How to Use Citation Tools in Databases.. Always review the citation generated by the database for any errors by comparing it with our Library citation guides. Learn how by watching our video, Creating Flawless Citations.