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Lloyd Sealy Library
John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Library Basics: Find Ebooks

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What is an ebook?

Ebooks are books that are presented in a digital format. Although a majority of our ebooks allow for an unlimited number of simultaneous users, there are exceptions. In some cases, there is a limit to how many Library users can read one ebook at the same time. 

For more Library terminology, please visit our Glossary

Find ebooks

Most ebooks are listed in OneSearch. If asked for an ID, use your John Jay email ID and password.

Ebook CollectionsThe Lloyd Sealy Library offers a variety of ebook collections across multiple disciplines. Notable resources include: 

  • Ebook Central (formerly Ebrary): Collection of 44,000 eBooks on scholarly subjects.  Covers a range of disciplines, including some science.
  • Ebsco Ebooks (formerly NetLibrary)Nearly 6,000 commercially published electronic books. Covers a range of disciplines, including some science.
  • FORENSICnetBASE: A searchable collection of over 120 reference books in forensic science and related fields.

Encyclopedias: Please see our full list of digital encyclopedias.

For a more detailed overview on the topic of ebooks, please visit our guide.