Brotherton, D. C. (2018, June). Critical perspectives on gangs. Oxford research encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice. Oxford University Press.
Bullard, H., & Reid, S. (2019, April). Gangs and violence. Oxford research encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice. Oxford University Press.
Covey, H. (2017, June). Gangs. In Oxford bibliographies. Oxford University Press.
Dahl, P. (2014). Juvenile gangs and delinquency. In B. A. Arrigo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of criminal justice ethics (Vol. 1, pp. 529-531). SAGE Publications.
Fleisher, M. (2018, November). The history of gangs and gang research. Oxford research encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice. Oxford University Press.
Hawley, F. (2012). Gangs, history of. In W. R. Miller (Ed.), The social history of crime and punishment in America: An encyclopedia (pp. 672-674). SAGE Publications.
Matsuda, K. (2011). Juvenile gangs and delinquency. In W. J. Chambliss (Ed.), Key issues in crime and punishment: Juvenile crime and justice (pp. 117-130). SAGE Publications.
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. (2014). Gang prevention: Literature review. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Peak, K. J. (2013). Gangs and their crimes, characteristics of. In K. Peak (Ed.), Encyclopedia of community policing and problem solving (pp. 179-182). SAGE Publications.
Taylor, T. J. (2009, December). Gangs, peers, and co-offending. In Oxford bibliographies. Oxford University Press.
In this section, you will find links to our research guides related to criminal justice. These research guides have internet links which have been selected by librarians and are considered appropriate for the study of certain topics within criminal justice and ancillary disciplines. When searching the web and finding resources that have not been selected by information professionals, you want to make sure that the information you've found is valid and from a reliable source.
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Gangs, CrimeSolutions
National Institute of Justice's discussion on gang Overview, Programs and Practices. Their listing of programs and practices provides links and descriptions of current and past government programs addressing gangs across the country.
Gangs, National Criminal Justice Reference Center
This NCJRS webpage offers information and links to significant publications and other sources on the Prevalence, Prevention and Response to gangs.
Gangs, Office of Justice Programs
The National Gang Center (NGC) is a government program that works to reduce gang-related crime and violence with three areas of focus: Criminal Justice, Community and Research. The NGC site offers variety of Resources and Tools including online training, informational videos, legislation, videos, webinars and more. Their What Works section contains descriptions of valuable programs and practices for gang prevention, intervention, and suppression to enable practitioners to make evidenceābased decisions: STRATEGIC PLANNING TOOL, COMPREHENSIVE GANG MODEL, PROGRAMS and G.R.E.A.T. (Gang Resistance Education And Training).
National Gang Crime Research Center
A non-profit independent agency intended to promote research in cooperation with government agencies, disseminate research and information through their Journal of Gang Research and provide training to and consult services government agencies.