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Mcgee, Z., Gilbert, A., & Henley, K. (2009). Victimization, Youth. In H. T. Greene & S. L. Gabbidon (Eds.), Encyclopedia of race and crime (Vol. 2, pp. 855-858). SAGE Reference.
San, M. V. (2013). Criminality and victimization. In I. Ness & P. Bellwood (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of global human migration (Vol. 2, pp. 1116-1119). Wiley-Blackwell.
Walklate, S. (2017, February). Witnessing and victimhood. In Oxford research encyclopedia of criminology. Oxford University Press.
In this section, you will find links to our research guides related to criminal justice. These research guides have internet links which have been selected by librarians and are considered appropriate for the study of certain topics within criminal justice and ancillary disciplines. When searching the web and finding resources that have not been selected by information professionals, you want to make sure that the information you've found is valid and from a reliable source.
Use our Library guides to help you find reliable sources on the web:
Evaluating Information Sources on the Web
Center for Victim Research, Urban Institute
The Center for Victim Research was created to meet the need for increased data, evidence-based practices, and program evaluation for victim service providers, policymakers, and funders in order to improve policies, programs and practices. CVR's site provides access to victim research and data in order to improve the response to crime victims. Search the OVR online library to find over 1,000 public access documents, consult their extensive research and tools & training sections as well as connect through their collection of podcasts and webinars.
Part of the federal government's Office for Victims of Crime, this organization serves to increase awareness on victims’ rights, educate the public on the impact of crime, and promote crime victim resources. Their site is sectioned off by three intended audiences—crime victims, volunteers, and victim service providers. Provides a wealth of resources including links to websites, publications, databases and hotlines. The site "gives a face" to crime victims, volunteers, and providers through photos and brief testimonials.
Office for Victims or Crime, Office of Justice Programs
OVC site provides a helpful crime victimization glossary as well as a multitude of information on a variety of related topics, many relevant OVC and OJP publications; OVC, Federal and Non-Governmental Resources; and a listing of Victim Advocacy Programs.
National Center for Victims of Crime
National Resource Center for Reaching Victims
Site for victim service providers, culturally specific organizations, criminal justice professionals, 
and policymakers to help in their pursuits to identify, reach, and serve all victims, especially those from underserved communities. The Center's goals are to understand who is underrepresented and why, design and implement best practices in how to connect people and services they need, and empower and equip organizations in helping victims to recover from crime. A valuable Resource Library is available with access to abundant materials.
Office of Victim Services, New York State
NYS OVS began as the Crime Victims Compensation Board in 1966 and was one of the first independent state agencies established for crime victim compensation. OVS has been providing compensation and other services to NYS innocent victims of crime. Their site includes list of services, news, NYS forms and legal information related to victims of crime in New York State.
Safe Horizon, a leading victim assistance organization, serves to "provide support, prevent violence, and promote justice for victims of crime and abuse, their families and communities." Information on the ways they empower victims and survivors through their Client-Centered Practice (CCP). Research presented including facts and statistics as well as relevant news.
Victims, Bureau of Justice Statistics
BJS webpage on crime victims including the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). Access to research, victim statistics, crime trends and statistics, offender statistics, crime reporting statistics and statistics on victim service providers.
Victims, National Criminal Justice Reference Service
NCJRS webpage format on Q&As, publications and related links to information on victims of crime. Sections include: Civil Remedies, Crisis Intervention/Response, Financial Recovery, Health and Mental Health of victims, Homicide Victims/Co-Survivors, Restorative Justice, victims' Rights and Services, Special Populations of victims including Juveniles, Minorities, Older Adults, Persons with Disabilities and Women.
Victims of Crime, NYPD
NYPD page includes How to Report a Crime, the Criminal Justice Process, victim Resources & Services, information on Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents as well as U Visa/T Visa information and resources for immigrant victims of serious crimes.
Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice