from Wikipedia:
During this the second half of the 1990s under NYC Mayor Giuliani, NYC policing strategies significantly changed. A series of NYPD publications describe these strategies - some of which were quite controversial and long-lasting.
1993 NYPD Precinct Community Council Handbook. freely available via NCJRS
1994 Getting guns off the streets of New York (Police Strategy No. 1) Special Collections - HV8148 .N52 N45 1994
1994 Curbing youth violence in the schools and on the streets (Police Strategy No. 2) Special Collections & Special Collections Room - HV8148 .N52 N45 1994a
1994 Driving drug dealers out of New York (Police Strategy No. 3) Special Collections & Special Collections Room - HV8148 .N52 N45 1994b Freely available on the Library Digital Collections
1994 Breaking the cycle of domestic violence (Police Strategy No. 4) Special Collections - HV8148 .N52 N45 1994c
1994 Reclaiming the public spaces of New York (Police Strategy No. 5) Special Collections - HV8148 .N52 N45 1994d freely available PDF linked from NCJRS Abstract
1995 Reducing Auto-Related Crime in New York (Police Strategy No. 6) NCJRS abstract
1995 The year of change this title has been digitized and is freely available on the John Jay College Library page of the Internet Archive
1995 Rooting out corruption: building organizational integrity in the New York Police Department (Police Strategy No. 7) Special Collections - HV8148 .N52 .N45 1995a Freely available on Library Digital Collections
1995 Reclaiming the Roads of New York (Police Strategy No. 8) Freely available on Library Digital Collections
1997 Strategy '97: goal-oriented neighborhood policing (Special Collections Room - HV8148 .N52 N45 1997b, use by appt. only)
1997 The cutting edge of policing: civil enforcement for the 21st century (Special Collections Room - HV8148 .N52 N45 1997, use by appt. only) note: we also have a video with this same title.
see also:
The Website & Archives of Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, 107th Mayor of New York City
1998 New York (N.Y.). Task Force on New York City Police/Community Relations. Report to the Mayor.
2007 Zimring, Franklin E The great American crime decline. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press. Stacks - HV6783 .Z56 2007 or e-book
The page in this guide on Broken Windows.