The major forensic science journals are indexed by this huge new database from Elsevier. Also indexed are 14,000 peer-reviewed journal titles from more than 4,000 international publishers in science, technology, social science and medicine, published from the 1960s to the present. SFX (Find It!) buttons may link to full text.
General Science FullText
Relatively small database, covering about 150 major general science journals. Covers Nature, Science, Scientific American and other general science journals. May be good place to identify a general article providing an overview of forensic science topics.
Medline with EBSCOhost interface or Medline with PubMed interface
National Library of Medicine's huge index to the medical and biomedical literature. The content is the same, but the search interface looks and works differently. It;s a little easier to get to the full text of articles using the EBSCOhost version.
What are scientific journals? Wikipedia but good.
How to read a scientific paper (fun exploration of the problems, in AAAS Science magazine).