Please visit our research guide for Streaming Video and Other Media at the Lloyd Sealy Library for more information.
The Lloyd Sealy Library has an extensive collection of streaming video that are available remotely for John Jay College students, faculty and staff. Most of our streaming videos may be found by using OneSearch from our library's homepage and limiting your search results to videos (check the box under the search box). OR you may use the search box below.
In addition to searching for videos in OneSearch, these collections can be searched directly through the links below or from our Library's Streaming Video and Media guide.
Academic Video Online (AVON, Alexander Street Press)
Film Platform (contemporary documentaries)
Kanopy (only videos specifically requested by John Jay professors)
Use the search box below to search OneSearch to find Library DVDs on a particular topic or to determine if our Library owns a particular title in which you're interested.
Enlightening award winning documentary films on current social, political and cultural issues. Browse through titles or related subject listings such as Climate Change and Health and Environment or search for films using your keywords/phrases.