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Lloyd Sealy Library
John Jay College of Criminal Justice

History: The Holocaust: Home

Guide for Library Research on The Holocaust

Introduction to The Holocaust

The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. Holocaust is a word of Greek origin meaning “sacrifice by fire.”

- United States Holocaust Memorial Musuem (Link)

The Holocaust

Welcome to the Lloyd Sealy Library subject guide on The Holocaust. The Holocaust, also called The Shoah in Israel and Jewish communities (a Hebrew word meaning "catastrophe"), is a period of increasing persecution and ultimately systematic murder of the majority of Jews in Europe as well as other groups by Nazi Germany from 1933-1945. Ultimately six million Jews (including one and half million children) were murdered. This subject guide is an introduction to a variety of resources available in the Library and generally for anyone interested in researching this topic.

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When searching Onesearch for books, consider setting the search to "Keyword in Title" and entering the name of the borough your neighborhood is located in plus the term "Holocaust" as the search term. This will provide you with a list of books that deal with a significantly sized listing of books on the topic. Also consider setting the search to "Subject" and entering the name of the borough your neighborhood is located in plus the term "Holocaust" as the search term.This will also provide you with a listing of relevant books and materials. Some alternate subject headings you can use are "Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)", "Holocaust Denial", "Holocaust Denial Literature", "Righteous Gentiles in the Holocaust", "World War, 1939-1945 Atrocities", "Holocaust (Christian Theology)", "Holocaust (Jewish Theology)", and "World War, 1939-1945 Jewish Resistance".

Reference and Instruction Librarian

Reference Librarian

Mark Zubarev

Contact Info
Lloyd Sealy Library
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
899 10th Ave
New York, New York 10019

Reference and Instruction, Information Literacy, Graphic Novels, History, Literature

(LINK) Fire Science Exhibit, Graphic Novels Exhibit, Crime Fiction Exhibit, Poetry Exhibit, World War One Exhibit, Shakespeare Exhibit