SCOPUS This huge database from Elsevier searches 14,000 peer-reviewed journal titles from more than 4,000 international publishers in science, technology, social science and medicine, published from the 1960s to the present. SFX (Find It!) buttons may link to full text.Especially good for biomedical topics.
General Science Full Text (Wilson) An index to articles published in a small but carefully chosen selection of periodicals, including the top science journals and magazines. From 1984 to the present. Alternate access via library barcode
Applied Science and Technology Full Text (Wilson) . Articles in journals and trade publications covering applied science, including engineering, math, physics, and computer technology from 1983 to the present (inlcudes a retrospective index from 1913-1983]. Alternate access via library barcode
MathSciNet Articles in mathematics from the American Mathematical Society.
Medline with EBSCOhost interface or Medline with PubMed interface National Library of Medicine's huge index to the medical and biomedical literature. The content is the same, but the search interface looks and works differently. The EBSCOhost version has the advantage of linking to whatever full text we have available.
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The primary formal scientific communication device remains the academic, peer reviewed journal article.
Most articles published in academic journals are peer-reviewed. These articles report the results of research and make up the permanent record of scientific literature. Peer review is the name given to the process by which articles are chosen for publication in scholarly academic journals. The editor asks other scientists to comment on a manuscript before s/he decides to publish it. These peer scientists assess the quality of the work reported in the manuscript.
Definitions of peer review (taken from Oxford Reference Online):
peer review Evaluation of scientific, academic, or professional work by others working in the same field.
peer review [De]. The process used by publishers and editors of academic journals to provide a chance for scholars to examine and critique a paper or monograph before it is published to help ensure its integrity and veracity.
peer review 1. the evaluation by (other) experts of a research project for which a grant is sought, a paper received for publication, etc. 2. a review of commercial, professional, or academic efficiency, competence, etc. by others in the same occupation.
peer review. To the public, peer review is the ultimate guarantor of good science. Through its process of expert judgment of experts, peer review preserves science's autonomy while assuring society that the money it devotes to science is well spent. ……
More about peer review.