9-11 Commission
The Final Report of the 9-11 Commission (officially the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States) was released in on July 22, 2004. The Commission maintained a website with its reports and archives of audio, video, and transcripts from public events of the Commission. On May 18-19,2004 the Commission released staff reports on NYC's Emergency Preparedness and Response and Crisis Management. In August, 2004 it released two staff monographs on Terrorist Financing and Terrorist Travel.
Medline Plus has a separate page on "anthrax" with the latest news, information from government agencies (CDC, FDA, etc.) on detection and treatment, and a link to run a search in Medline for further information.
The Campaign against International Terrorism: prospects after the fall of the Taliban is a research paper from the United Kingdom's House of Commons, issued Dec. 11, 2001 (pdf file).
The Internet Archive's September 11 Page
Archives web pages pertaining to 9/11
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), from the Centers for Disease Control, covers current items of medical importance, including articles such as Recognition of Illness Associated with the Intentional Release of a Biologic Agent and Update: Investigation of Anthrax Associated with Intentional Exposure and Interim Public Health Guidelines, October 2001
Mobilization Against Terrorism Act
A Summary of Attorney General Ashcroft's Mobilization Against Terrorism Act
Legislation Related to the Attack of September 11, 2001
Thomas, the Library of Congress' Legislative Information site, lists legislation relating to 9/11
A Nation Challenged, New York Times
A section of the New York Times website that deals with the terrorist attacks. Included are archives of past articles, interactive graphics (including maps), and other learning resources. Login may be required, but access is free.
The National Security Archive, a non-governmental, non-profit institution and archive of declassified U.S. documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, is publishing the September 11th Source Books, on "Terrorism, Intelligence and the Next War." The first of these, called Terrorism and U.S. Policy, includes assessments of the terrorist threat and a CIA profile of Usama bin Ladin, presidential and Defense Department policy directives, the details about U.S. response to specific terrorist attacks, and evaluations of U.S. government preparedness to deal with terrorism.
New York City Department of Health Response to Terrorist Attack, September 11, 2001. Morbidity and mortality weekly report September 28, 2001. 50(38):821-2.
September 11 Digital Archive
Uses electronic media to collect, preserve, and present the history of the September 11th events and the public responses to them.
War Resisters League
Condemns terrorism and urges alternatives to military action.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
A huge amount of information, collected, created and published by the CDC. It includes Health and Safety Topics, Infectious Disease Information from the National Center for Infectious Diseases, Statistical Data from the National Center for Health Statistics and a section of resources on Terrorism and Public Health. The Public Health & Criminal Justice page addresses health concerns in the correctional system, and the implications for the wider publicThe CDC also publishes a Spanish language site. |
CIAO - Columbia International Affairs Online. The featured selections on the home page of this excellent source are focused on terrorism. |
Combating Terrorism Center at West Point |
Designed "to provide cadets with experiential opportunities for studying terrorism, counterterrorism, homeland security and weapons of mass destruction," this site has a nice resources page. |
Department of Homeland Security |
This department was created by President Bush following 9/11 to oversee domestic counterterrorism operations. It includes many of the functions formerly handled by other agencies, including the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the U.S. Customs Service, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Secret Service. |
Duelfer Report |
Officially known as the Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq's WMD, this is the report that said there were no weapons of mass destruction to be found in Iraq. |
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Reports and Publications, Includes reports such as “The FBI’s Counterterrorism Program Since September 2001” and “Terrorism 2002-2005”. |
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) |
Website contains lots of useful emergency information includingNational Situation Updates. The site includes information about courses offered through Emergency Management Institute, information about Urban Search and Rescue teams, and a publication Managing the Emergency Consequences of Terrorist Incidents. |
How terrorism works |
Human Rights First A non-profit, nonpartisan international human rights organization, Human Rights First advocates for and protects victims of crimes against humanity and other human rights violations. The "We Can End Torture Now" campaign is working to end policies that permit torture and is also advocating for a national security policy that is aligned with American laws and values.
Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch is an independent organization devoted to upholding human rights through advocacy work. Their site contains news articles on terrorism and counterterrorism, covering topics such as CIA operations, detention without trial and Guantanamo. |
ICT: International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism |
Based in Israel,ICT is a research institute and think tank dedicated to developing innovative public policy solutions to international terrorism. The site contains over 6,000 pages of information including research reports, profiles of terrorist groups, a database of terrorist attacks, and links to other counter-terrorist organizations. |
Immigration and Customs Enforcement |
ICE is the investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The agency is comprised of several components from the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), the U.S. Customs Service, and the Federal Protective Service (FPS). The agency combines the investigative, detention & removal, and intelligence functions of the former INS with the investigative, intelligence, and air & marine functions of the former Customs Service. All the functions of the former FPS are also part of IC |
Intelligence Resource Program |
From the Federation of American Scientists, includes a page on Terrorism: Background and Threat Assessments and a page that lists 370 different para-military and terrorist organizations with brief information about each one. The information is extensive, but some of it might be out-of-date. |
International Center for Terrorism Studies (ICTS) |
Part of the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, the ICTS has put some of its publications online. |
International Relations and Security Network |
Includes a searchable database of documents in the fields of international relations and security. |
Peer-reviewed materials on commonly used chemicals. Includes food additives, pestcides, and poisons. "Produced through cooperation between the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) and the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)." |
Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT) -- electronic documents |
The MIPT site includes a searchable database for electronic document and reports, including government documents, on terrorism. |
National Security Archive |
An independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act. |
Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism |
The U.S. State Department Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism produces an annual report on Patterns of Global Terrorism . |
Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism |
With a special obligation to first responders, the Institute has Congressional funding to conduct "research into the social and political causes and effects of terrorism and the development of technologies to counter biological, nuclear and chemical weapons of mass destruction as well as cyberterrorism..." Included on the site are reports and links to reports about terrorism and responding to terrorism, as well as a database of terrorist incidents. |
Patriot Act |
The text of the USA Patriot Act, from the House of Representatives website; also the Act and related documents from the Library of Congress' Thomas site; and the Act with an archive of related materials from the Electronic Privacy Information Center |
Rebuilding Downtown New York City |
A compilation of articles, editorials, letters, and links to organizations and audio files on the rebuilding of lower manhattan from Columbia University's Document Service Center. Includes three interactive features which allow detailed examination of the various proposals considered by the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation between July 2002 and February 2003. |
Schlesinger report on the Abu Ghraib Prisoner Abuse |
Officially the Final report of the Independent Panel to review DoD detention operations, this is the report of the panel chaired by former Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger on the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse released on Aug. 24, 2004. Released on Aug. 25 was Army General Fay's Investigation of the Abu Ghraib Prison. |
Terrorism and Security Collection - 26 recent publications from the National Academies about the science and policy issues surrounding terrorism and security. |
This report by the respected Carnegie Endowment for International Peace studies what the intelligence community understood about Iraq's WMD programs before the war and outlines policy reforms designed to improve threat assessments, deter transfer of WMD to terrorists, and avoid politicization of the intelligence process. |