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Scholarly Articles: Databases
Academic Search Complete
See sample search to the right.
America: History and Life
Index and some fulltext to journal articles and reviews on the history and culture of the United States and Canada. Inlcudes CLIO notes (see top of interface) providing chronologies and brief summaries of significant events and themes in history.
Google Scholar
Crawls (indexes) the content of publishers' websites, scholarly journals, indexes, academic websites, institutional repositories, etc. to find information of a scholarly nature. Does not provide comprehensive coverage of any one field. Enter through the library's website so that you will be linked to the library's licensed resources.
Hein Online
Several historical American and international law collections incuding law reviews and journals from their first volume of publication, the Federal Register, Presidential Documents, Attorney Generals Opinions, World Constitutions, and legal classics.
A searchable collection of the complete runs (minus the most recent 2 to 5 years) of hundreds of the most significant scholarly journals.
Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic)
Search Law Review articles by clicking on "Search by Subject or Topic"; select Law Reviews. See sample search to the right.
Scholarly Articles - Sample Search (Academic Search Complete)
Law Journal Articles - NexisUni