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Lloyd Sealy Library
John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Writing in Criminal Justice: Selected Online Resources for SSC215

Some Online Reference Sources for Criminal Justice

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Our Library has access to a wide variety of criminal justice and social science encyclopedias as well as other reference sources that provide a broad overview of criminal justice topics.

Enter your keywords (s) or phrase(s) in the search box OR browse the List of Entries or Subject Index of a particular encyclopedia to find information on your topic.  For example:

women offenders

hate crimes

workplace violence


General Encyclopedias and Reference Sources:

International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences

Sage Knowledge Collection - great specialized encyclopedia collection


Selected Criminal Justice Encyclopedias:

Annual Review of Criminology

Crime, Prisons, and Jails, 2015

Encyclopedia of Criminal Justice Ethics. 2014

Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory, 2010

Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2014

Encyclopedia of Rural Crime, 2022

Encyclopedia of Terrorism, 2012

Encyclopedia of White-Collar & Corporate Crime, (Vols. 1-2), 2013

Oxford Bibliographies--Criminology

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminal Justice

Routledge Handbook of Deviant Behavior, 2011

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology, 2019

The SAGE Handbook of Criminological Theory, 2010 

Drugs and Crime: Internet Resources

Drugs and Crime Facts, Bureau of Justice Statistics

A host of relevant statistics from BJS "At the Time of the Offense" or "Prior Drug Use by Offenders." Statistics related to drugs and types of offense, homicides, college students as victims, workplace violence victims, probation, inmates and related criminal drug histories.

Drugs and Substance Abuse,

National Institute of Justice website on research and evaluation of programs and practices related to crime and substance abuse in the United States.  See also the section on Crime & Crime Prevention at

National Association of Drug Court Professionals

Thd NADCP advocates drug courts as a strategy and solution for treating the twin epidemics of substance abuse and mass incarceration in the United States.  A wealth of information on Treatment Courts, NADCP's Adult Drug Court Best Practice Standards, Family Treatment Court Best Practice Standards, advocacy information, links to the National Drug Court Institute which provides research and legal information, a listing of organizations related to national drug courts, and much more.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

United Nations' programs on drugs and crime including trafficking in human beings, drug trafficking, firearms, corruption, terrorism, drug prevention, fraudulent medicines, organized crime. Links to Legal Tools and  UNODC Research with a multitude of research and publications such as their annual World Drug Report.

Crime Mapping: Internet Resources

Compstat: Its Origins, Evolution, and Future in Law Enforcement Agencies, Police Executive Research Forum, Bureau of Justice Assistance

Published in 2013, this report by the Police Executive Research Forum examines the impact of Compstat on police performance and accountability.

Geospatial & Crime Mapping, Information System,

National Institute of Justice presents research and evaluation of programs and practices related to crime mapping in the United States. 

Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety, National Institute of Justice

NIJ's Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety (MAPS) program supports research that helps agencies use GIS to enhance public safety.

NYC Crime Map, City of New York

View number of NYC crimes by precinct, aggregated location, and as a heat map for 7 major felonies.

NYPD CompStat 2.0

NYPD crime statistics as recorded in the CompStat book provided in map format for the Seven Major NYS Penal Law Felonies: Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter, Rape, Robbery, Felonious Assault, Burglary, Grand Larceny and Grand Larceny Motor Vehicle.

Report of the Crime Reporting Review Committee to Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly Concerning Compstat Auditing (April 8, 2013)

Domestic Violence: Internet Resources

Domestic Abuse, HelpGuide

Sections on Domestic Violence and Abuse *recognizing the signs of an abusive relationship and getting help," How to Get Out of an Abusive RelationshipHelp for Men Who Are Being AbusedChild Abuse and Neglect, Elder Abuse and Neglect and Recovering from Rape and Sexual Trauma from their nonprofit mental health and wellness website.

Domestic Violence, Office of Violence Against Women, United States Department of Justice

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) provides federal leadership in the mission to "reduce violence against women and administer justice for and strengthen services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking." Their site contains relevant Legislation and Regulations and information pertaining to Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence and Stalking.

National Domestic Violence Hotline

With a stated primary goal of supporting survivors of domestic violence 24/7, their mission is to "answer the call to support and shift power back to those affected by relationship abuse." Sections on defining domestic violence in Identify Abuse, resource pages such as 50 Obstacles to Leaving, Domestic Violence and ImmigrationMyths around Men Experiencing Abuse and how to Get Involved.

New York City Mayor's Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence

The Mayor's Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV) develops policies and programs, provides training and prevention education, conducts research and evaluations, performs community outreach, and operates the New York City Family Justice Centers to ensure access to inclusive services for survivors of domestic and gender-based violence. Of special interest is their Annual Reports and Fact Sheets.

Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (OPDV), New York State

The NYS Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (OPDV) has the mission to "improve New York State’s response to and prevention of domestic violence with the goal of enhancing the safety of all New Yorkers in their intimate and family relationships." Information including laws and regulations and resources for survivors and victims.

Violence Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Domestic violence as a public health issue with statistics, data and resources related to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Elder Abuse Prevention, Firearm Violence PreventionYouth Violence Prevention, Youth Violence, Suicide Prevention, Elder Abuse Prevention, Intimate Partner Violence, and Sexual Violence.