Below are some of our databases where you can find magazine, journal and/or newspaper articles on different aspects of criminal justice. You may also find a full listing for all of our criminal justice databases:
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text
Criminal Justice Periodicals Index
The Crime Report (from John Jay College's Centre on Media, Crime and Justice)
Searching in a database is different than searching in Google. Databases do NOT like sentences. So when you are searching for articles in OneSearch or in one of our databases, write down as many keywords and phrases you think best describe your topic. Try different combinations of those keywords/phrases in order to construct a solid and successful search strategy. Use the word "and" when combining your keywords/phrases in one of our databases. You do not need to link keywords/phrases with "and" in OneSearch.
Start with keyword(s) and/or phrase(s) that are as narrow and specific as possible:
prisoner reentry and voting privileges
female offenders and pregnancy
If you are dissatisfied with too few search results, broaden your search by adding alternative keywords and phrases:
prisoner disenfranchisement or felony disenfranchisement
female prisoners and (motherhood or pregnancy)