This Libguide deals with finding a variety of resources dealing with the subject of corrections. If you have a project or assignment that deals with any aspect of corrections then this Libguide should be able to help you in your research. In this Libguide you will find three sections: Databases and Encyclopedias gives you a short listing of relevant databases and encyclopedias that you can use for your research. Historical Images is a sampling of interesting books and images dealing with the subject. Web Sources gives suggestions of other sources to check for relevant information such as websites that are in the general web and not affiliated with the Lloyd Sealy Library site. This includes resources on prisoner reentry and statistical guides.
When searching Onesearch for books, consider setting the search to "Keyword" and entering "Corrections" as the search term. This will provide you with a list of books that deal with a significantly sized listing of books on the topic.
Also consider setting the search to "Subject" and entering "Corrections" as the search term. If you require more materials set the search to "All Fields" and enter in search terms like "Prisons" or "Jail" as the search terms. This will also provide you with a listing of relevant books and materials.