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Lloyd Sealy Library
John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Open Access Publishing

Academic research products everyone can access

CUNY Academic Works

CUNY Academic Works is the institutional repository of our university, providing a platform for the Green archival of faculty publications.  This is a permanent virtual space for hosting and disseminating freely the research, scholarship and creative work of the City University of New York. In service to CUNY’s mission as a public university, content in Academic Works is freely available to all.  Faculty are strongly encouraged to post their works to the John Jay College iteration of CUNY Academic Works. Here's what to do.

Map of world, plus wheel image of sociology subdisciplines.

Copyright, green open access, and CUNY Academic Works

Who holds the copyright to your published article?  Often it is the publisher, not the author.  To post work on CUNY Academic Works, you must either hold the copyright, or have the approval of the copyright holder.

Many journals now permit authors to self-archive a version of their work on institutional repositories.
This is called self-archiving, or green open access.  A few publishers permit authors to post the final, published PDF, but more usually, it is only the post-peer review, final author's draft that may be posted. You can include a link to the  version of record on the publisher’s site. 

Some publishers require an embargo period.  But don't wait till then to post your work on CUNY Academic Works; just set an embargo date, and the metadata describing the work will be visible but the work itself will not appear until after the date you specify.

Publishers that permit green open access /self-archiving usually say so on the journal website, in the instructions to authors, or under open access. Open Policy Finder (UK) collects journal publishers' archiving policies (note CUNY has not verified that information). E.g. 

Note that when you post work to CUNY Academic Works, you will be granting to CUNY the non-exclusive right to archive and distribute the work through CUNY Academic Works and any successor initiatives. This means if we migrate from the current platform to a better one, you have given us the right to bring the content over too, and we will not have to ask you again.  Entering into this agreement does not alter your copyright or other rights you may hold.