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Lloyd Sealy Library
John Jay College of Criminal Justice

American History: The Civil War and Reconstruction: Links about the Civil War

Guide for Library Research on the Civil War and Post-Civil War Reconstruction




Lincoln at Gettysburg

The only confirmed photo of Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg, three hours before the Gettysburg Address.
(Lincoln is seated to the left of the man in the stovetop hat.)

Lincoln Inaugurated 1861

Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln in front of U.S. Capitol Building March 4 1861

Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln in front of U.S. Capitol Building March 4 1861

New York State Militia 1861

Engineers of the 8th New York State Militia 1861. No. Ill-B-499

Engineers of the 8th New York State Militia 1861. No. Ill-B-499

Company E 4th U.S. Colored Infantry

Company E 4th U.S. Colored Infantry Fort Lincoln Washington D.C. Photo by William Morris Smith 1863-1865

Company E 4th U.S. Colored Infantry Fort Lincoln Washington D.C.
Photo by William Morris Smith 1863-1865

Lincoln and McClellan

Lincoln and McClellan at Generals Headquarters Tent at Antietam October 4, 1862

Lincoln and McClellan at Generals Headquarters Tent at Antietam October 4, 1862

Lincoln at Antietam

President Lincoln visiting the battlefield at Antietam Maryland October 3, 1862. General McClellan and 15 members of his staff are in the group. Photographed by Alexander Gardner. 165-SB-23.

President Lincoln visiting the battlefield at Antietam Maryland October 3, 1862.
General McClellan and 15 members of his staff are in the group.
Photographed by Alexander Gardner. 165-SB-23.



General Grant at Cold Harbor

Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant standing by a tree in front of a tent, Cold Harbor Virgina June 1864. 111-B-36.

Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant standing by a tree in front of a tent, Cold Harbor Virgina June 1864. 111-B-36.

General Sherman on Horseback

General William T. Sherman on his horse at Fort No. 7 before Atlanta in August 1864

General William T. Sherman on his horse at Fort No. 7 before Atlanta in August 1864

Robert E Lee 1865

Gen. Robert E Lee April 1865. Photographed by Mathew B. Brady. 111-B-1564.

Gen. Robert E Lee April 1865.
Photographed by Mathew B. Brady. 111-B-1564.

Richmond 1865

Ruins of Richmond Virginia 1865

Ruins of Richmond Virginia 1865

Hanging Lincoln's Assassins

Execution of Mary E. Surratt, Lewis T. Powell, David E. Herold, and George A. Atzerodt as as conspirators in the Lincoln Assassination, July 7,1865. Photographed by Alexander Gardner. 111-BA-2034

Execution of Mary E. Surratt, Lewis T. Powell, David E. Herold, and George A. Atzerodt as as conspirators in the Lincoln Assassination, July 7,1865.
Photographed by Alexander Gardner. 111-BA-2034