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Lloyd Sealy Library
John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Middle East, Near East and North Africa: Egypt

Guide to resources on the Middle East and North Africa with a focus on the current events in Syria, Egypt, Turkey and elsewhere in the Near and Middle Eastern world. This is a work in progress.

Current News on Egypt

from Yahoo News

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News Feeds

These pages offer video, audio and text live-streaming from Egypt.

Please note: Headphones for silent listening within the library can be checked out from the Reserve Desk,  first floor.

Egyptian newspaper al Ahram in English

al Arabiya English

al Jazeera English

 Egyptian Newspaper al-Masry al-Youm in English

BBC News - Middle East Coverage

CNN Topics - Egypt

New York Times Topics - Egypt

Books on Egypt in Lloyd Sealy Library

To find books in the John Jay Library on Egypt, try searching CUNY+ using  keyword or keyword subject Egypt; the results number in the hundreds, arranged by date. You can narrow down your results  by adding AND to your search. 

Recommended  keyword and keyword  subject searches  in CUNY+

Egypt and Antiquities (for books on ancient Egypt)

Egypt and Economic policy

Egypt and Fiction

Egypt and Civilization (for books on Ancient Egypt)

Egypt and Government

Egypt  and Government and 1981 (for books on Egypt during the Mubarak regiem)

Egypt and History and Intervention (for books on the events of 1956)

Egypt and Politics

Egypt and Police

 Egypt and President

Egypt and Religion (for books on both ancient and modern religion in Egypt)

Human rights and Egypt

Egypt and Army (for books on both ancient and modern Egyptian armies)

Egypt and Terrorism

United States  and Egypt

What to Read on Egyptian Politics, Mona El-Ghobashy, is an annotated  syllabus from Foreign Affairs on Egyptian politics. Note: we might not have all these books at John Jay, but you can find them by searching all libraries on CUNY+ and obtain them using CLICs . This suggestion was taken  from The Context for the Egyptian Uprising By Liz Cooper,  Anthropology & Journalism Librarian, Emory University.


These suggestions are taken from The Context for the Egyptian Uprising By Liz Cooper, Anthropology & Journalism Librarian, Emory University.

The Arabist  is a blog run by a freelance journalist in Cairo, Issander El Amrani, that has daily posts (depending on his access to the Internet each day) and analysis.

Jonathan Wright, former Cairo bureau chief for Reuters, and now a highly respected literary translator, also has a blog,  and is reporting from Cairo with news and analysis.

Mona Eltahawy’s articles and op-ed pieces on her website,  provide commentary on the events as they are unfolding,  links to her pieces in the NYT, Washington Post, etc. are provided there.

Council on Foreign Relations, Issue Guide: Arab World Protests, links to background and analysis articles.
The Middle East Report and Middle East Report Online regularly publish analysis on events in the Middle East.  Check their website for more recent articles, such as this one, Into Egypt's Uncharted Territory, on the events in Egypt.

Other blogs

The Eloquent Peasant a blog by an Egyptologist with constant updates on the  impact of the unrest upon on Egypt's antiquities & museums.

Egyptian Blog for Human Rights in English and Arabic, by Ramy Raoof. See also the Daily Human Rights on Twitter

Informed Comment blog written by Dr.  Juan Cole, professor at University of Michigan.