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Lloyd Sealy Library
John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Communications and Media Studies: Statistics / Primary sources

Statistics and government info.

These resources can be useful for finding data to support writing and reporting.

Library databases

Business Source Complete (EBSCOHost) Provides full text for over 3,000 peer-reviewed journals and magazines, as well as country and industry reports, and case studies covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business, and more.

CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online) Comprehensive source for theory and research in foreign affairs; includes working papers from university research institutes and NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, and conference proceedings.

Econlit Indexes and abstracts more than 450 international economic journals, and includes includes journal articles, essays, research papers, books, dissertations, book reviews, and working papers; 1969- .

Infoshare Online Has population statistics, immigration trends, socio-economic indicators, birth and death data, hospitalizations, local economic data, and more for New York City.

Social Explorer Displays interactive maps of U.S. Census data going back to 1940 (for NYC back to 1910). All CUNY users have access to the subscription data.

Urban Studies Abstracts Database with abstracts of articles and reports about crime and other urban problems, possible solutions, studies of police departments, social welfare agencies, etc. Links to fulltext for many items.

USA Counties Compiles useful demographic, economic, and governmental information spanning several years and sources for county comparisons and profiles.

Cite your sources!

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Web sites

Web sites

Bureau of Justice Statistics The BJS publishes most of its reports on its WWW pages as well as in print. Statistics are maintained in the areas of law enforcement, prosecution, courts and sentencing, corrections (including capital punishment), and expenditure and employment.

Citywide Performance Reporting site Search for measures of the services you are interested in, review statistics summarizing how well government is performing in different areas, analyze long-term trends, and review specific agencies' outcome measures.

Fedstats The "gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. Federal agencies," allows you to browse or search for thousands of statistical tables maintained by the U.S. government. conducts US and world polls. It also publishes Research Reports. To view the A-Z list of covered topics or to read a research report, click on the Resources tab.

International Data Base (IDB) The International Data Base (IDB) is a computerized databank containing statistical tables of demographic and socioeconomic data for all countries of the world. Create your own tables.

National Association on Counties News, economic and demographic data, county ordinances, policies, and more. Browse by state or search. Surveys of United States counties in relation to finances and homeland security.

National Center for Health Statistics Includes FASTATS which are statistics that can be retrieved quickly on health subjects from AIDS to Work-loss days (includes supporting docuemnts as well as statistics).

National Criminal Justice Reference System: Corrections The NCJRS provides a wealth of online publications (sorted by topic or date) and links to a multitude of Internet resources (by topic subdivisions). A must-see site for the state of corrections in the United States.

New York City Department of City Planning - Reference The Department of City Planning provides a Census Factfinder with information available by census tract or community district and Profiles of the 59 community districts. Among the reports here is New York: A City of Neighborhoods, which offers maps of neighborhood names and community district boundaries along with geographic, demographic and economic statistics.

New York City Documents Columbia University's Document Service Center presents a selective guide to official documents by and about New York City and its agencies. Some documents of interest include Archives of the 107th Mayor, Rudolph W. GiulianiCommunity District ProfilesWeekly Crime StatisticsRent Guidelines, and numerous reports on Rebuilding Downtown New York City. A section on New York City Statistics provides links to a multitude of statistics on NYC.

New York State Statistics The New York State Statistics website, presented by the Rockefeller Institute of Government, provides extensive statistical information on the demographics, economics, elections, government finance, public safety, housing, education, health, energy.

NYCdata A compendium of data, primarily statistical about New York City, drawn from various governmental sources, with links to the sources.

Pew Research Center describes itself as "a nonpartisan fact tank."  It collects and organizes information on "issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world." Select any of the top tabs (Topic Index, Publication Index, The Databank) to find data on your topic.

Official City Sites State, city, and county links for the United States (Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands and New Zealand, too). Includes census information, city maps, chambers of commerce, and convention and visitor bureaus.

State and County QuickFacts Census 2000 data by state and county. USA QuickFacts as well.

State of the Cities Data Systems This site from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development provides economic, demographic, crime, building and government finance data for individual metropolitan areas, central dities, and suburbs Operated by the Pew Center on the States, a research organization administered by the University of Richmond. State government and public management issues such as budget, taxes, crime and prisons, environment, income and poverty, insurance, population, campaign finance, education, healthcare and transportation. Special features include state of the state speeches and state comparison charts.

Statistical Abstract of the United States This site provides access to the premier U.S. government statistical source as well as quick links to the State and Metropolitan Area Data BookUSA Counties, and County and City Data Book; as well as Map Stats, a site that provides quick access to facts about particular states and counties.

University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business Provides this extensive report "How Much Media?" on American media consumption. The 2013 report is available here. The 2015 report is available by filling out an online form here.

U.S. Census Bureau Comprehensive site for current and historical U.S. demographic data. Browse by topic or use American FactFinder or State & County Quick Facts to access data. Links to federal, state, and international statistical resources as well.

U.S. Census Bureau: Federal State and Local Governments Census Bureau data on local, state and federal agencies and activities. Includes government organization, public employment and payroll, finance, public employmee retirement systems, tax collections, federal expenditures, and public school systems.

U.S. Courts The official site of the Federal Judiciary. Some hightlights include a Library with Federal Judiciary publications and statisticsFederal rules of practice, procedure and evidence for all federal courts, and Understanding the Federal Courts, an introductory textbook on the federal judicial system, its organization, and relationship to the legislative and executive branches of the government.

UNESCO Institute for Statistics This site maintains global and internationally comparable statistics on education, science, technology, culture and communication. Particularly useful are the the Statistical Tables on education, culture, and science.

United Nations - Statistics Web pages from the UN's Department of Economic and Social Affairs provide Statistics and economic indicators concerning men and women in countries around the world. Statistics focus on general topics of population, families, education, health,work, and political participation. The latest data is provided, but it may be a few years old.