These databases include resources related to security management topics.
Faulkner Security Management Practices
Reports by industry practitioners on facility, IT, network, personnel, financial and legal security, risk and crisis management, and public safety.
Protection of Assets
Online access to the Protection of Assets Manual and Bulletin, the basic manual for security personnel.
Business Source Complete (EBSCOHost)
Full text of peer-reviewed journals and magazines, country and industry reports, and case studies covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business, and more.
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Fulltext
Provides scholarly articles and annotations of books and book chapters in criminal justice. Coverage from 1968 to the present.
International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center
Selected articles, news feeds, reports, summaries, books, blogs, FAQs, and proprietary Background Information Summaries that pertain to terrorism and security.
These Security Management-related databases from Lloyd Sealy Library can also be found here.
The major in Security Management concentrates on the analysis of security vulnerabilities and the administration of programs designed to reduce losses in public institutions and private corporations. The program prepares students for careers as managers, consultants and entrepreneurs. If you are interested in this degree click here for more information.