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Lloyd Sealy Library
John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Ebooks: Taylor & Francis Ebooks (formerly CRCnetBASE Collections)

AboutTaylor & Francis ebooks (formerly CRCnetBASE collections)

The Library subscribes to the Taylor & Francis ebooks that were formally part of the three CRCnetBASE collections, namely,

  • FORENSICnetBASE, with  hundreds of reference books in forensic science and related fields like arson and fire investigation, computer crime investigation, and security management.
  • InfoSECURITYnetBASE, with over 60 handbooks on information technology security, cryptography, coding theory, and information technology.
  • STATSnetBASE, with hundreds of reference books in statistics.

This collection allows  for access by an unlimited number of simultaneous users.


Downloading and printing

Once you select a book you can download or print it at the book or chaper level by looking for the print icon.